Here’s What You’re Getting: Access to the online version and live training of Big Ticket Email Mojo. You’ll be privy to the ONLY training on the planet that will give you the skills to sell big ticket products using nothing but EMAIL and a special order form.
In 8 short weeks...
As you log-in to your members’ area and follow along through each of the modules in Big Ticket Email Mojo and attend the weekly live training with Travis Sago you will...
BONUS: Passive Cashflow Mojo: ($6,000 Value) Big $20,000 to $40,000 paydays running Rainmaker Campaigns are nice, but act now and you’ll also get Passive Cash Flow Mojo… so you can start selling continuity offers…tacking on secure, residual income streams to your business whenever you want.
There’s a slight tweak to how you sell recurring programs successfully over the long-term that nobody teaches. But, only with this training, you’ll discover how to keep your offer new and fresh, and the buying frenzy going and going and going.
Using Email Mojo it’s not unheard of to convert 20% to 40% of all openers on an email list over time.
Imagine you get 1000 opens and convert 30% to a $100 a month program. That’s $30,000 a month locked up in your list you’re likely not getting now. I know $30,000 a month doesn’t go as far as it used to, but even after taxes and expenses that’s a lot of enjoyment left on the table. it’s never been easier to tap into SOMEONE ELSE’S continuity program and never need deliver the service yourself. You discover how when you act today.
(Because we don’t want these tactics watered down, this is the ONLY time you’ll ever see this version of Passive Cash Flow Mojo as a bonus!)
BONUS: Fence-Tipper Templates And Training: (Value: $10,000) Your income may never be the same after you drop these customizable “fence tipper” emails into your autoresponder. You’re sitting back…watching new sales coming in…all from the people that were stuck right on the edge of buying – fence sitters!
The Fence-Tippers you’re about to get your hands on will gently and lovingly move the fence sitters off the fence and inspire people to buy your products and services. You’ll thank yourself for making this investment every time you pull out your Fence-Tippers and crank out more revenue in one email than most people make in a month.
Your Fence-Tippers alone will return your investment many times over.
Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.
Rooting for ya,
Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.
-Ryan M.
Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.