If You Can Write at a 6th Grade level AND Have an Email List that Gets at Least 500 Opens…Then In 10-14 Days…
You Too Can Pull in $20,000 to $80,000 Each Time You Run Our PROVEN Rainmaker Email Campaign Selling BIG TICKET offers WITHOUT Webinars, VSLs or Long Sales Letters and WITHOUT One Phone Call or Single Strategy Session...
  • YES Travis! I’m ready to STOP missing out on the big-ticket income I deserve! I’m excited to sell $500 to $5000 Big Ticket Offers without all the hassle! Give me Big Ticket Email Mojo…so I can start selling big ticket products like clockwork using email and a special order form. I understand with Email Mojo I only need to write at a 6th grade level and I WON’T be required to put on webinars, write long sales letters or be tied to my phone doing strategy sessions.

Here’s What You’re Getting: Access to the online version and live training of Big Ticket Email Mojo. You’ll be privy to the ONLY training on the planet that will give you the skills to sell big ticket products using nothing but EMAIL and a special order form.

In 8 short weeks...

As you log-in to your members’ area and follow along through each of the modules in Big Ticket Email Mojo and attend the weekly live training with Travis Sago you will...

  • Discover The Missing Piece to Selling Big Ticket Without Hassle: You’ll get started making sales right away! And when you see the ONE missing piece to selling $500, $1000, $2000 and $5000 offers or more using ONLY email you may feel unstoppable. You can sell your own offer or someone else’s. Yes, Big Ticket Email Mojo totally works for affiliate offers too!
  • Discover Your Big-Ticket Email Mojo Offer: If you’ve already got a lower ticket offer…You’ll see how to raise your offer to a Big Ticket price…AND have it sell EASIER than ever before.

    IMPORTANT: You MUST be selling something that is good and solves a problem for someone. But if you meet those requirements, the OFFER MOJO training creates buying frenzies and will have you slapping the “sold out” sticker on your big ticket offers faster and simpler than you may have ever thought possible.
  • Create Buying Frenzies: With the “AHA!” Based Email Mojo Process you’ll own what could almost be called magic when it comes to persuading people to open their wallets AND hearts when they read your email without being a great writer and WITHOUT delivering a lot of content.

    This is the heart of EMAIL MOJO. And is a skill that can never be taken away from you even if email disappears. Many clients use this one of a kind process in their landing pages, Facebook posts, advertorials, ads and more.
  • Mother Nature’s RAPID Bonding Sequence: Your list can’t “hate you”, but if they are “unresponsive” don’t worry, Bonding Mojo warms them up to you again.

    You’ll find out Mother Nature herself has the most powerful bonding mojo in existence and you’ll see how easy it is to tap into this bonding process so you and your email subscribers benefit. 

    AND if you are buying cold traffic and putting them on your email list, Bonding Mojo heats them up like a microwave heats and pops popcorn.
  • BRING IN CASH WINDFALLS & Launch your first 10 to 14 day Rainmaker Campaign: You’ll start making sales in week one, but when you get to this training, you’ll start your 10-14 day Rainmaker campaign! Nothing against copywriters, but fancy techniques aren’t needed. You’ll be using simple 6th grade level writing here along with your secret weapon: The “AHA!” Based Email Mojo Process.

    You’ll get help at every step along the way with the live training calls and support area.

    How comforting is it that the RainMaker Email Campaign is so proven we can closely predict the amount of income from the 10 – 14 days?

    Here are the numbers we EXPECT after a Rainmaker Campaign:  

    Take the number of OPENS you get on average and multiply by:

    $25 if you’ve got a $500 offer
    $35 if you’ve got a $1000 offer
    $50 if you’ve got a $2000 offer
    $75 if you’ve got a $5000 offer

    EXAMPLE: You’ve got 1000 opens and a $1000 offer, so you’d multiply 1000 times $35. So, we’d expect, based on past results, to pull in roughly $35,000 for the campaign.
  • Craft your G3 Order Form In 60 minutes Give or Take! … Listen to this module, then whip up your own G3 order form in about an hour. (You may be shocked as you watch the $500 to $5000 sales notifications rolling in… all from your email traffic sent straight to the G3 Order Form.)

    FYI: G3 means GIMME! GIMME! GIMME!
  • What to do if your campaign doesn’t go well: This may be the MOST important training in the course because most people GUESS when a campaign is NOT converting.

    You will never have to guess again. This is why Email Mojo students see PREDICTABLE results and income. Take the guess work out and your campaigns will never be hit or miss again. Rainmaker Email Campaigns bring in cash like clockwork because we do NOT GUESS!

    You’ll see it’s so easy to find out:

    1. What people are actually buying     2. Why they are not converting. 

    It’s simple to FIX campaigns when you know EXACTLY why people aren’t buying at the POINT OF PURCHASE.

    This is NOT about surveys. Surveys can help, but they do NOT happen at the point of purchase and therefore aren’t 1/10th as helpful as what you’ll start using.

    With your access to Big Ticket Email Mojo you’re also getting CHAT MOJO which is the only training available about how to STOP GUESSING why people aren’t buying so you can fix it and profit.

    If you’re thinking, BOY this could be helpful outside of email, you are EXACTLY right.
  • Live Weekly Q and A: You’re getting the multi-million dollar offer crafting skill, help and support personally from Travis Sago. Every Wednesday at 3:00 PM Central, you’ll get together to brainstorm and answer any questions you may have, you’ll be working on your offers…and you’ll go deep into anything else you need to ensure your email campaigns successfully bring in cash and garner goodwill with your subscribers. (You’ll also have access to the recordings.)
  • Dozens of Templates, Examples And Weekly FUNwork: As you’re moving along through each module, you’ll be getting access to dozens of profitable campaigns, examples and templates…You’ll use these templates and examples again and again to multiply your investment in the course.

    You’ll also get weekly FUNwork assignments that ensure you are moving forward and gaining the skills to get your own Rainmaker Campaign up and running. 
The Big Ticket Email Mojo Special Edition Bonuses:


Live, in person, on my white sofa, Big Ticket Email Mojo Workshop

SINCE 2016 dozens of folks paid $6,000 to come out to my home (The Mojo Shack) and sit on my white sofa for 3 days while we turned their email list into big ticket sales. Many are now doing $1,000, $2000 and $3000 a DAY or more.

Plus, they get chauffeur service every day. Dinner at the Country Club. Delicious meals and even yummier coffee…

And we have a whole barrel full of fun.

When you invest in yourself and the Big Ticket Email Mojo Online version, you’re also getting an invite to come to the LIVE event

Dates aren’t written in stone, but usually have at least 4 live events each year.

BONUS: Passive Cashflow Mojo: ($6,000 Value) Big $20,000 to $40,000 paydays running Rainmaker Campaigns are nice, but act now and you’ll also get Passive Cash Flow Mojo… so you can start selling continuity offers…tacking on secure, residual income streams to your business whenever you want. 

There’s a slight tweak to how you sell recurring programs successfully over the long-term that nobody teaches. But, only with this training, you’ll discover how to keep your offer new and fresh, and the buying frenzy going and going and going.

Using Email Mojo it’s not unheard of to convert 20% to 40% of all openers on an email list over time.

Imagine you get 1000 opens and convert 30% to a $100 a month program. That’s $30,000 a month locked up in your list you’re likely not getting now.   I know $30,000 a month doesn’t go as far as it used to, but even after taxes and expenses that’s a lot of enjoyment left on the table. 

PLUS...today it’s never been easier to tap into SOMEONE ELSE’S continuity program and never need deliver the service yourself. You discover how when you act today. 

(Because we don’t want these tactics watered down, this is the ONLY time you’ll ever see this version of Passive Cash Flow Mojo as a bonus!)

BONUS: Fence-Tipper Templates And Training: (Value: $10,000) Your income may never be the same after you drop these customizable “fence tipper” emails into your autoresponder. You’re sitting back…watching new sales coming in…all from the people that were stuck right on the edge of buying – fence sitters! 

The Fence-Tippers you’re about to get your hands on will gently and lovingly move the fence sitters off the fence and inspire people to buy your products and services. You’ll thank yourself for making this investment every time you pull out your Fence-Tippers and crank out more revenue in one email than most people make in a month. 

Your Fence-Tippers alone will return your investment many times over.

BONUS: Outsource your email writing access & template: (Priceless.) Because Big Ticket Email Mojo doesn’t require the writing skills of Shakespeare, you can simply have somebody interview you while you’re recording and give the interview to your email writer.

You’re getting access to the interview process and questions Big Mojo Promotions uses when we write for clients.

You’re ALSO getting ONE additional login for the person who will be writing your email. This can be a business partner, current employee or copywriter. You must send in their details and they must be approved by Travis Sago. (He just wants to make sure the training material is not duplicated.)

You profit or I work with you until you do. As long as you can show me you’re following the Email Mojo process, if for any reason we don’t recoup your initial investment after running your first 10-day email campaign, I’ll continue to work with you until you do…no matter how long it takes.

I am an old-fashioned fella and believe in earning my keep. My stuff works! If there’s a hiccup, I’ll stay committed to getting you a fantastic ROI as long as you remain committed.
Strictly Limited to the FIRST 20
Big Ticket Mojo Students
100%"Dang Matt, You Were Right!"
Money Back Guarantee ...

After going through this course, if you aren't saying to yourself... "Dang Matt, you were right about this system!"... and if you're not super excited about the potential it has to create an extra income stream for you and your family...just let me know within the first 60 days and I'll send you a prompt refund.

That's how excited I am about this system! :-)
Best Value! Click Here to Begin...
ONE TIME investment of
Only $995

Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.

Rooting for ya,


  • Will Email Mojo work in my industry/niche?

    We’ve worked Email Mojo in dozens and dozens of niches from relationships to penny stock trading. From selling weight loss supplements to land investing. From the learn to be a disc jockey niche to curing panic and anxiety.

    With that said…I want you to feel comfortable this will work for you. If your product or service solves a problem that someone has…and it really works…Email Mojo will work for you guaranteed with ONE EXCEPTION: If your product or service is uber complex.  

    If you are selling irrevocable living trusts, self-directed IRA’s, etc… it can still work, but requires a greater level of skill and I won’t guarantee Email Mojo would be a great fit for you.
  • What if I don’t have a $500+ Product or Service?

    If you have a product or service that sells for under $500, that’s okay. I can totally help you position your offer so that not only can you charge more, but make it even EASIER for your subscribers to scream, “YES!”

    Or if you prefer…I can help you pick out and position an affiliate offer. Again, as long as the product or service solves a problem for someone and WORKS!...we’re good.
  • What if I don’t have a list?

    I understand. There is ZERO training on how to build a list. I often say the fastest way to build a big list is to learn how to monetize a small one.

    So, I’d say unless you are exceptionally motivated to either run Big Ticket Email Mojo on somebody else’s list for a cut…or you are great at running traffic, as much as I’d love to help…Big Ticket Email Mojo wouldn’t be a fit for you.
  • What if I have a list, but not 500 openers? I’ve only got 300.

    You can still get great results, but it may take you longer to recoup your investment.

    Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have 500 openers.

    If you’ve got 250 let’s say, then based on experience it will likely take you 12 emails or so to get your investment back.

    If you’re okay with that, this would be a great fit.

    If that’s too long for you, then I’d pass.
  •  Can I use Email Mojo to sell products and services under $500?

    Absolutely. Doesn’t it make sense that if you can bench press 200 pounds then bench pressing 50 or 100 pounds is like a cake walk?

    After learning the process to selling $500 to $5,000 products and services, you’ll find it’s easy breezy selling lower ticket…AND you’ll sell a lot more of them too.
  • How much time will I need to learn Big Ticket Email Mojo?

    Great question! I don’t want to be tricky, but I think a better question is: how much time are you spending on other things because you don’t already know how to sell big ticket without webinars, phone calls, or writing long sales letters?

    How much time are you spending trying to sell lower ticket products?

    For example, one $5000 sale is 100 $50 sales. With email mojo they both take relatively the same amount of time to make. Does that make sense?

    But, let’s be real. There IS a time investment to gain this skill.

    If you’re committed to investing 4 hours per week on average over the course of 8 weeks, then I’ll guarantee you AT LEAST earn your investment back or I will work with you until you do. If you’re like a majority of my students you’ll do much, much better. It’s not uncommon for my students to make $5k to $10k in one email EVEN when they are still learning.

    My students also comment on how much MORE TIME they have now NOT being tied to the phone, doing webinars or trying to keep up with ad campaigns that sell lower ticket stuff.

    With that said, if you can’t realistically fit in 4 hours per week, then I’m not a good fit for you.
Strictly Limited to the FIRST 20
Big Ticket Mojo Students

Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.


-Ryan M.

Wow, what a ride… Nice trade Matt!

I ended up with roughly a 40% gain… didn’t have the nerve to let the losing leg go yesterday without first closing the winning leg, but thanks to today’s pull back I was able to get a little something for the loosing leg.

So that’s 5 for 5 for you!  That’s awesome dude!  Keep it up and thanks for sharing!


Hi, Matt:

     I said I would get back to you about this.  Happy to say that I was able to partake in the trade, which resulted in a tidy profit.  Like everyone says after a winning trade:  "I wish I had risked more."  But as they say about wishes:  "If wishes were wings, then pigs would fly."  

     Thanks for making sure that I was ready to participate in this trade.  You have bragging rights, Matt, on this one. Go ahead and brag!  ;)


Hi Matt,
Good call. Although I didn't play it, only paper money. 10 contract straddle yielded around $1400 gain. Please include me on list for option strategies. Not interested at all in stocks.


Hi Matt,
Many, many thanks. You're the greatest!

This stock now trades around 1.80 This is a phenomenal stock pick !!!


Strictly Limited to the FIRST 20
Big Ticket Mojo Students
Best Value! Click Here to Begin...
ONE TIME investment of
Only $995

Most of my clients make their ENTIRE investment back in 6 emails, give or take, IF they have at least 500 opens and a $500 offer and follow the process.

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